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Ge-marineerde Hoender

Korslose Hoender pastei



1 Hoender
2 Eiers
¼ k Mayonaise
1 k Gekoote rys
2 Pakkies Simba chips
1 Steel Seldery
1 blikke room sampioene sop
1 Pakkie sampioen sop
1 Ui
1 k Ertjies
Hoender aftreksel
Melk en water
Gerasperde Kaas


Kook hoender en sny in fyn blokkies.  Kook eiers hard en sny fyn.  Druk Simba chips fyn.  Maak sop aan soos op aanwysings maar vervang die helfte van die vloeistof met Melk en die ander helfte met water.  Kap ui fyn en braai in botter.  Meng alles behalwe aftreksel saam.   Plaas in oondbak.  Indien te droog voeg hoenderaftreksel by.  Strooi gerasperde kaas oor.   Bak in oond teen 200º C vir 10 tot 15 minute. 


Hierdie gereg kan net so gevries word voordat dit gebak word.  Ontdooi en bak dan soos bo beskryf.  Hierdie mengsel is genoeg vir twee groterige pasteie of 3 kleinerige pasteie.


100 ml Asyn
100 ml Olie
12,5 ml Worcester Sous
12.5 ml fyn gekapte ui
1 Knoffel Huisie
5 ml Paprika
12.5 ml Fyn Appelkoos konfyt
25 ml Tamatie Sous
5 ml Droë Mosterd
1 Hoender +- 3 Kg


Meng al die bestanddele vir die sous saam en laat so 3 ure staan.  Sny borsbeen van die hoender en maak hom so 'n bietjie plat.  Smeer hoender met botter en bak vir sowat 'n halfuur.   Voeg ander bestanddele by en klits goed.  Haal hoender uit oond en plaas in sous vir 1 uur.   Draai gereeld die hoender om.  Plaas hoender op kole en braai tot lekker bruin.  Bedrup gereeld met sous.


Bestanddele - Hoender

1 Hoender

Bestanddele - Sous
2 e Tamatiesous
2½ k Rooiwyn
1 k Gemengde Pickles
8 e Bruinsuiker
2 e Worcestersous

Metode Hoender

Meng alle bestanddele, behalwe hoender.  Sny hoender in stukkies.  Rol hoender in meelmengsel.  Bak in olie tot goudbruin.  Plaas in oondvaste bak.  Metode Sous. Sny Pickles in kleiner stukke.  Meng alle bestanddele vir die sous.  Gooi sous oor hoender.  Bak in oond teen 180°C met deksel op vir ¾ - 1 uur.  Moet nie oopmaak tydens gaarmaak proses nie.

Dien op met rys en 'n lekker mengel slaai



Bestanddele - Marinade

25 ml Pepersous
1 Huisie knoffel gekap
125 ml Kookolie
1 pakkie Wituie soppoeier
1 blikkie Sampioene
375 ml Tamatiesous
375 ml Blatjang
375 ml Wit wyn of sprite

Bestanddele Hoender

2 Hoenders in porsies
4 x 250 ml Rou rys
25 ml Botter

2 Uie

2 Blikkies appelkose


Meng al die marinadebestanddele in `n groot bak.  Geur die hoenderporsies en plaas dit in die marinade.  Bedek en hou oornag in yskas.  Skep hoender en marinade in groot swaarboom-kastrol.  Bring tot kookpunt.  Verlaag die hitte en laat sowat 2 tot 3 uur prut tot gaar roer kort-kort liggies.  Hou die gereg voortdurend dop, want dit is geneig om aan te brand.  Kook die rys tot gaar; stoom dit agterna in `n vergiettes sodat die korrels mooi los is.  Verhit die botter in `n groot pan en soteer die uie tot goudbruin.  Dreineer die appelkose en sny in kleiner stukkies.  Meng die appelkose en uie met die rys.  Sit die rys saam met die hoender voor.


Soetsuur hoender

Pretoria hoender


1 pak Hoender porsies
1 k Chutney
1 t mosterd
2 blokkies Hoenderekstrak
3½ k Water
1 tot 1½ k Rou rys
1 k mayonnaise


Los hoenderekstrak blokkies op in water.  Plaas rou rys in oondvaste bak.  Sout en peper porsies en rol in meel.  Plaas hoender bo-op rys.  Meng chutney, mayonnaise en hoender blokkie water.  Voeg mosterd by.  Gooi water mengsel oor hoender.  Sit deksel op bak of maak bak toe met foelie.  Bak vir 1½ uur teen 180°C.  Toets of vleis sag is.

Dien op met baie rys en 'n lekker slaai.

Vra nog meer hoender


1 medium-sized onion, sliced into rings 

5 ml (1 t)  oil
5 ml (1 t) garlic paste

5 ml (1 t) ginger paste     

15 ml (1 T) mixed masala  

15 ml (1 T) curry powder
3 ripe jam tomatoes, mashed                                                          1 X 410g can tomato puree
500 g chicken pieces, skinned and de-boned                          curry leaves
5 ml (1 t) fennel powder                                                                  5 ml (1 t) garam masala
fresh coriander leaves


Fry the onion in a little heated oil until tender.
Add the garlic and ginger pastes, and stir in the masala and curry powder.
Add the tomatoes and tomato puree.
Simmer for a few minutes until fragrant.
Add the chicken pieces and a few curry leaves and simmer slowly until the chicken is done and fragrant.
Stir in the fennel powder and garam masala towards the end of the cooking time and sprinkle the curry with fresh coriander leaves.
Serve with rotis or rice.

Chicken curry



1kg chicken pieces
25ml sunflower oil
250g rindless bacon, chopped
100g white mushrooms, sliced
20 small whole onions, peeled
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 packet ROYCO Spicy Tomato & Onion Soup
400ml water
250ml red wine
5ml mixed herbs
2ml black pepper


1. Brown chicken pieces in heated oil in a frying pan then set to one side.

2. Fry bacon, mushrooms, garlic and onions until lightly browned.

3. Remove from pan and layer with chicken pieces in a casserole dish.

4. Mix the soup powder with 400ml water and 250ml red wine, add to frying pan with pepper and herbs.  Bring to the boil stirring continuously,
simmer for 2 minutes.

5. Pour over chicken pieces, and bake covered at 180C for 1½ hours.

Preparation time : 20 minutes.  Cooking time : 1½ hours.
Serves 4 - 6.

Red wine casserole



1 packet ROYCO Creamy Mushroom Soup
600ml milk
1kg chicken pieces cooked, skinned, deboned and diced
100g cheese, grated
150g noodles, cooked and drained


1. Mix soup powder and milk together in a saucepan.

2. Bring to the boil stirring continuously.

3. Add the chicken pieces and half the grated cheese.

4. Add the noodles and mix in well.  Season to taste.

5. Turn into a greased casserole dish, sprinkle with remaining cheese and bake uncovered at 180C for 20 minutes.

Preparation time : 30 minutes.  Cooking time : 20 minutes.
Serves 4 - 6.

Cheesy chicken & noodles



1 packet ROYCO Creamy Mushroom Soup
400ml water
2 spring onions, chopped
400ml chicken, cooked and finely chopped
freshly ground black pepper
3 eggs, separated

Preheat oven to 200C.

1. Mix together soup powder and water in saucepan and cook until thick, stirring continuously.

2. Stir in spring onions, chicken and freshly ground black pepper.

3. Cool slightly and beat in egg yolks, whisk egg whites until stiff, then carefully fold  into soup mixture.  Spoon into 18cm greased deep, round (soufflé) dish.

4. Bake at 200C for 30 minutes or until cooked. 

Preparation time : 15 minutes.  Cooking time : 30 minutes.
Serves 4.

Chicken & mushroom bake



25ml sunflower oil
½ cabbage, shredded
3 carrots, peeled and thinly sliced
240g sliced beans
1 onion, chopped
1 chicken, cooked and diced
1 packet ROYCO Chicken Noodle Soup
400ml water


1. Lightly fry the vegetables in the heated oil for 2 minutes.

2. Add the chicken pieces and the soup powder mixed with 400ml water, cook for 10 minutes then season to taste.

Preparation time : 15 minutes.  Cooking time : 12 minutes.
Serves 4 - 6.

Chicken & vegetable  suprise



150g cooked chicken, diced
2 carrots, peeled and sliced
2 stalks celery sliced
1 onion, finely sliced
1 packet ROYCO Chicken Noodle Soup
850ml water


1. Place the chicken and vegetables in a saucepan.

2. Mix the soup with 850ml cold water and add to the chicken and vegetables.

3. Bring to the boil, then simmer over low heat until the vegetables are tender, stirring occasionally.  Season to taste.

Preparation time : 10 minutes.  Cooking time : 20 minutes.
Serves 4.

Chicken noodle broth



30ml sunflower oil
8 chicken portions
peri-peri spice
salt to taste
2 large onions, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 green peppers, deseeded and chopped
1 packet ROYCO Brown Onion Soup
250ml water
juice of 1 lemon


1. Heat the oil in large frying pan.

2. Season chicken with peri-peri spice and salt.

3. Brown chicken pieces and place in a casserole dish.

4. Fry onion, garlic and green pepper until softened, transfer to casserole dish.

5. Mix the soup powder with 250ml water and the lemon juice.

6. Pour over the chicken pieces, cover and bake at 180C for 1½ hours.

Preparation time : 15 minutes.  Cooking time : 1½ hours.
Serves 4.

Chicken peri-peri casserole



6 - 8 chicken portions
25ml sunflower oil
250ml apricot juice
1 packet ROYCO Brown Onion Soup
salt and pepper to taste


1. Remove the skin from the chicken pieces, coat the chicken with the soup powder, then brown in the heated oil and place in a casserole dish.

2. Mix the apricot juice with left over soup powder and pour over the chicken pieces.

3. Cover and bake at 180C for 1½ hours.

Preparation time : 10 minutes.  Cooking time : 1½ hours.
Serves 4.

Chicken and apricot casserole



25ml sunflower oil
8 chicken portions
1 onion, chopped
100g mushrooms, sliced
1 packet ROYCO Thick Vegetable Soup
350ml milk
125ml cream
80g cheese, grated


1. Brown chicken pieces in heated oil and place in a casserole dish.

2. Fry onion and mushrooms until softened.  Add soup powder mixed with
350ml milk, stir until thickened, then add cream and cheese.  Season to taste.

3. Pour over chicken pieces and bake covered at 160C for 1½ hours.

Preparation time : 15 minutes.  Cooking time : 1½ hours.
Serves 4.

Creamy chicken casserole



8 chicken portions
25ml sunflower oil
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 leeks, washed and sliced
1 x 410g can whole peeled tomatoes, undrained and chopped
400ml water
80ml red wine

1 packet ROYCO Minestrone Soup

1. Brown chicken pieces in heated oil, then place in a casserole dish.

2. Fry garlic, leek and tomatoes, add soup powder mixed with 400ml water and 80ml red wine.  Stir until thickened, then season to taste and pour over chicken pieces.

3. Cover and bake at 160C for 1½ hours.

Preparation time : 15 minutes.  Cooking time : 1½ hours.
Serves 4.

Chicken & tomato casserole


Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 25 minutes
Serves 4


6 chicken breast fillets (600 g), cut into 2 cm cubes
15 ml sunflower oil
1 clove garlic, crushed
5 ml grated fresh ginger (or 2 ml dry ginger)
1 red pepper, cut into strips
30 ml cornflour
1 packet ROYCO Brown Onion Soup
30 ml soy sauce
250 ml water
1 x 440 g can pineapple pieces in syrup
    (drain and reserve juice)
15 ml honey

1. Fry chicken lightly in heated oil in a large saucepan. Add garlic, ginger and red pepper and fry for a few minutes.
2. Mix cornflour and soup powder, add to soy sauce and water.Add mixture to chicken and simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes. Add pineapple pieces, 50 ml reserved juice and honey and simmer for a further 10 minutes. Serve hot.

Honey & pineapple chicken


Preparation Time: 15 minutes  Cooking Time: 10 minutes  Serves 3-4


400 g chicken breast fillet, 
    sliced into thin strips
5 ml ground ginger
2 ml coriander
1 ml cinnamon
30 ml sunflower oil
2 sticks celery, sliced
6 spring onions, chopped
250 ml bean sprouts
toasted pecan nuts to garnish

1 packet ROYCO Chicken Noodle Soup
200 ml boiling water
10 ml honey
15 ml soy sauce
125 ml apple juice

1. Rub spices into the chicken and set aside for 15 minutes.
2. Add boiling water to soup powder and leave to stand for 15 minutes.
3. Lightly brown chicken in heated oil and push to side of pan.  Add celery, onion, and sprouts and stir-fry for a few minutes.
4. Add remaining sauce ingredients to soup mixture and stir well.  Pour over chicken and vegetables, simmer until slightly thickened.  Top with chopped nuts and serve immediately.

Chrunhcy chicken stir fry


Preparation Time: 25 minutes
Cooking Time: 30 minutes
Serves 4-6

400 ml water
1 packet ROYCO Chicken Noodle Soup
5 ml curry powder
4 chicken breast fillets, cut into chunks
250 ml cream
62,5 ml salad cream
50 g cheese, grated
salt and pepper, to taste
400 g broccoli, cut into small pieces and cooked lightly
15 ml Rama margarine, melted
375 ml soft white breadcrumbs

1. Bring water to the boil and add soup powder.  Simmer for 5 minutes.  Add curry powder and chicken pieces.
2. Simmer gently for 10 minutes.  Remove from the stove and allow to cool.
3. Stir in cream, salad cream and grated cheese.  Season to taste.
4. Place broccoli in a large casserole dish and cover with chicken and sauce mixture.  Toss breadcrumbs in melted margarine and sprinkle over the casserole.
5. Bake at 180º C for 30 minutes, or until browned on top.

Baked chicken & Broccoli


Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 30 minutes
Serves 6


30 ml sunflower oil
6-8 fillets of chicken breast, cut into bite-sized pieces
salt & pepper, to taste
1 large onion, chopped
1 tomato, chopped
2 green chillies, seeded and finely chopped
1 packet ROYCO Spicy Tomato & Onion Soup
400 ml water
15 ml tomato paste
few fresh coriander leaves, chopped
100 g tortilla chips (Fritos)
250 ml sour cream
100 g cheese, grated

1. Season chicken pieces and brown lightly in heated oil.  Arrange in a shallow casserole dish.
2. Sauté onion, tomato and chilli together until softened.
3. Mix soup powder with water and add to onion.  Stir until thickened, add tomato paste and pour over chicken.  Cover and bake at 200º C for 20 minutes.
4. Remove cover and sprinkle with coriander and tortilla chips.  Top with sour cream and grated cheese and bake for a further 10 minutes.

Mexican chicken bake


Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 1 hour 5 minutes
Serves 4-6


8 chicken portions
    - thighs and drumsticks
1 egg, lightly beaten
1/4 packet Bacon Kips, crushed

250 ml salad cream
5-10 ml curry powder
1 packet ROYCO Creamy Mushroom Soup
1 onion, chopped
600 ml water

1. Dip chicken pieces in egg and then into crushed biscuits.  Place pieces in a large, greased, shallow casserole dish and bake at 180º C for 30 minutes, or until well browned.
2. Mix together salad cream, curry powder, soup powder and onion.  Gradually stir in the water.
3. Pour sauce over browned chicken pieces and return to the oven for 35 minutes.

Crumbed chicken bake




1 ui, gehalveer en in skyfies gesny
25 ml (2 e) sonneblom- of olyfolie
1 kg hoenderporsies
50 ml (4e) blatjang
250 ml (1k) rou rys
750 ml (3 k) sterk tee
1 pakkie sampioensoppoeier
1 x 440 g-blik pynappelstukke
1 elk rooi en groen soetrissie, pitte verwyder en in driehoeke gesny


Braai ui en hoenderporsies in warm olie tot verbruin. Gooi blatjang en rys by en meng deur. Meng tee met soppoeier en gooi oor hoender.
Dreineer pynappelstukke en gooi sap by. Prut vir 30 min. Roer af en toe.
Gooi pynappelstukke en soetrissie by. Laat prut vir 10 min. tot net sag en geur na smaak met sout en swartpeper. 'n Vullende maaltyd in een gereg

Pynappel hoender



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